domingo, janeiro 23, 2011

# CDXXVIII - Something blue...


[Penafiel, Jan'11]

Um clássico que foi muitas vezes, como tantos outros, alvo de versões mais ou menos interessantes.
Este é dos tais temas cujo original dificilmente terá alguma versão que o suplante. O original é da deliciosa Elizabeth Cotten - os blues a nu!

Shake Sugaree
Elizabeth Cotten

Have a little song
Won't take long
Sing it right
Once or twice

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my watch
Pawn my chain
Pawn everything that was in my name

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn by buggy
Horse and cart
Pawn everything that was on my lot

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my chair
Pawn my bed
Ain't got nowhere to lay my head

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my tobacco
Pawn my pipe
Pawned everything that was in my sight

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Have a little secret
I ain't gonna tell
I'm going to heaven in a brown pea shell

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my farm
Pawn my plough
Pawned everything, even pawned my old cow

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my hat
Pawn my shoes
Pawned everything that I could use

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

have a little secret,
I ain't gonna tell
I'm goin' to heaven and I ain't goin' no...

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Chew my tobacco
Spit my juice
We raise cain but it ain't a bit 'a use

Oh, lordy me
Didn't I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned.

8 comentários:

wandering disse...

Adorei a música, a voz e a letra.

It´s a lullaby!

E a foto, como sempre, muito bem escolhida. Tanta altivez e tanto abandono, a melancolia do que foi e já não é.


tsiwari disse...

wandering : Bgdo!



deep disse...

Estive a ouvir e a pensar o mesmo que a wandering...
Adorei. Teve em mim o efeito de uma canção de embalar (não, ainda não vou dormir!).
A voz parece quase a de uma criança - límpida, inocente.


Boa semana. :)***


Muy bello!


Ana Lucia


tsiwari disse...

deep: ainda bem que apreciaste. :)***

tsiwari disse...




Rosa dos Ventos disse...

Já foi dito acima...
Uma voz fresca, quase de criança!
Que canta para se embalar...

deep disse...

Bom dia! (É para ver se voltas...)
